Date: 19/10/2010
Hon’ble Chief Justice
Supreme Courts of India
ref: ssfaesfi/peti/12/2010
New Delhi.
Sub: - Petition for Separate Gender Identification for Eunuchs in Census 2011
Syed Shah Farzand Ali Educational & Social
Foundation of India
Redg. Office 628 Rohili Tola Old City Bareilly
V / S
1. Govt. Of India, 2.State of Uttar Pradesh, 3.Census Department, 4.
Ministry Of Home Affairs, 5. HRD Department.
Kindly refer our earlier request 24/4/10, & dated 2/7/2010, &
subsequent Fax 13/5/2010,( Xerox copy is enclosed) regarding the above
subject, wherein we had requested to kindly instruct the concern
department to carry out the above process for the Eunuchs.
With due regard we would like to mention here that very less time is
left in the completion of the census process and till date no
appropriate action has been taken, nor any satisfactory reply has been
given to us on the petition filed by us for PIL.
This is the question of the existence of approximately 1.25 crore
eunuchs in India, and it is our utmost desire that transgenders should
also enjoy the rights like other citizen of India. Therefore we most
humbly request your good self to kindly take this issue on humanity
grounds keeping in mind their social, economical, educational and
cultural status in India and also consider our request as Public
Interest Litigation.
Here we would like to bring to your kind notice that on this issue we
had correspondence with Finance department, Govt. of India and
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Govt. of India, under Right
to Information Act 2005, seeking information regarding welfare schemes
for transgenders. According to these departments they do not have any
welfare schemes. We are enclosing all related correspondence, for your
According to article 14 & 21 of Constitution of India ‘No person shall
be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to
procedure established by Law’ so we strongly feel that transgenders
should also not be deprived of their life or personal liberty.
Therefore once again we request your good self to give mandatory
instructions on the said subject, to all the concerned departments of
Govt. of India so that transgenders could lead their life as a
respectable and responsible citizen of India.
Waiting for earlier and positive response.
Yours truly.
(Dr. S. E. Huda)
अभी न पर्दा गिराओ, ठहरो,--------
अभी न पर्दा गिराओ, ठहरो, कि दास्ताँ आगे और भी है
अभी न पर्दा गिराओ, ठहरो!
अभी तो टूटी है कच्ची मिट्टी, अभी तो बस जिस्म ही गिरे हैं
अभी तो किरदार ही बुझे हैं।
अभी सुलगते हैं रूह के ग़म, अभी धड़कते हैं दर्द दिल के
अभी तो एहसास जी रहा है
यह लौ बचा लो जो थक के किरदार की हथेली से गिर पड़ी है
यह लौ बचा लो यहीं से उठेगी जुस्तजू फिर बगूला बनकर
यहीं से उठेगा कोई किरदार फिर इसी रोशनी को लेकर
कहीं तो अंजाम-ओ-जुस्तजू के सिरे मिलेंगे
अभी न पर्दा गिराओ, ठहरो!
अभी न पर्दा गिराओ, ठहरो!
अभी तो टूटी है कच्ची मिट्टी, अभी तो बस जिस्म ही गिरे हैं
अभी तो किरदार ही बुझे हैं।
अभी सुलगते हैं रूह के ग़म, अभी धड़कते हैं दर्द दिल के
अभी तो एहसास जी रहा है
यह लौ बचा लो जो थक के किरदार की हथेली से गिर पड़ी है
यह लौ बचा लो यहीं से उठेगी जुस्तजू फिर बगूला बनकर
यहीं से उठेगा कोई किरदार फिर इसी रोशनी को लेकर
कहीं तो अंजाम-ओ-जुस्तजू के सिरे मिलेंगे
अभी न पर्दा गिराओ, ठहरो!
fight for Eunuchs
third gender equality
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